Day 5
Ending it early because I sm down with cold
Ending it early because I sm down with cold
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Thank you for your submission to r/JEE. Please follow all rules (as mentioned on the sidebar) while interacting in the community.
\n\nPlease modmail if you need to contact the mods :)
\n\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
Yo which app?
\nTell me too
\nTrack it
\nkya kya kiya matlab revision kitna aur pyq kitne
\nMostly physics kiya 11th rev phir maths mein trig revise aur chem mein organic ka 12th rev
\ndamn nice looks like my youtube screentime
\nWhich app bro?
\nTrack it
\nEnding it early because I sm down with cold
Ending it early because I sm down with cold
Ending it early because I sm down with cold